Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snow Storm

WOW...Atlanta had a snow storm, the other week. When I tell you it was so beautiful and I loved to look out the window and see the beautiful white layer of fluffy white snow. It felt cold in my hands but soft and fluffy as well. I really enjoyed the first three days off of work and then the fourth day I was having Cabin Fever ready to get out and run wild. I am like a butterfly I need to interact socially with the outside world. I played games, read books and had a good time with my partner. I was ready for the world and for work and there was ice and snow everywhere. I was able to bear thought it..It was amazing to me that I went to Walmart and it was closed. All the stores had close at 5pm..Well the next day I went to walmart again and to my astonishment the shelves were empty, no bread, no veggies, no fruit, no milk. Atlanta does not do well with ice, they do not have enough salt to do what needs to be done. What an experience! It will be a wonderful story to tell my kids....Well I just wanted to make sure I shared my Snow Storm story.

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